How the money raised will make a difference?
Help Challenge Deliver More Smiles!
Challenge is a unique organisation that has a very personal connection to children and families living with cancer. The wellbeing of the entire family is Challenge’s fundamental concern. Through their programs and services, they aim to make life easier as children deal with a life-threatening illness.
I personally know how incredible an organisation Challenge is for families who are experiencing the cruel and heartbreaking reality of having a child diagnosed with cancer.
In 2001, my 6 year old brother, Tim, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). Challenge reached out to the family within days of Tim’s diagnosis and are still in contact with us over 2 decades later.
Tim sadly passed away 21 years ago, in January 2003. He was 8 years old and, in his short lifetime, spent more days in hospital than at school with his friends.
13 years after Tim’s passing, my father, Phil, was also diagnosed with ALL. Dad had been a long time supporter of Challenge’s Dad’s Ultimate Challenge (DUC) Club, connecting with other fathers who had a child living with cancer. Upon hearing of Dad’s own leukaemia diagnosis, Challenge once again immediately reached out to my family to see what support they could offer.
Challenge was a great support for my family from the week Tim was diagnosed, all the way through his treatment and long after his passing and again upon hearing of Dad’s diagnosis and subsequent passing.
As a sibling of a child with cancer, I was able to attend incredible camps and family days which were truly a highlight in an incredibly difficult and unsettling time.
This is why I’m committing to cutting my hair in the hope of raising funds for Challenge in honour of Tim and Phil Viergever.
Challenge provides an extensive range of non-medical support services including playgroup, music and art therapy, massage therapy and practical information. In the community, Challenge offers camps, tickets to sporting matches and concerts, holiday accommodation, parent retreats, home help, financial support and educational scholarship opportunities. In hospital, Challenge has a daily interface on the ward which involves providing equipment, activities and support.
Please donate to help me reach my target.
My Updates

Enough Cancer for One Lifetime
Tuesday 23rd JanIn 2001, my 6 year old brother, Tim, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). What followed was an 18 month battle full of hospital stays, intense and debilitating chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, blood transfusions, hair loss, weight loss, NG tubes and a temporary relocation to Brisbane for a hopeful shot at a bone marrow transplant which would ultimately never transpire. Tim sadly passed away 21 years ago, in January 2003. He was 8 years old and, in his short lifetime, spent more days in hospital than at school with his friends.
13 years after Tim’s passing, my family was completely blindsided when our father, Phil, was told that he has leukaemia. Dad was taken to hospital one evening with chest pain and 2 days later, was sitting on the oncology ward with another ALL diagnosis in the family. There was absolutely no correlation between Tim’s and Dad’s diagnosis, other than extreme bad luck and the doctors told us that they had never come across a family with 2 immediate family members both having had a leukaemia diagnosis. It didn’t make us feel particularly special.
My mum, siblings and I watched as Dad was put through the same cancer paces that his son had gone through, only this time, after 4 months of treatment, Dad was able to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Heartbreakingly, less than 2 weeks after the transplant which gave us so much hope, he passed away to be reunited with Tim.
I miss them both dearly.
ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Mark Hood


Great work


Matthew Ryan


Ahuva Cohen

Andrew Viergever
Dad and Tim would be so proud of you ❤️

Ashleigh Barrett

Barbara King
Very happy to support you Jess in this cause, which is so personal and meaningful to you and all your family. Thinking of all those who need the support of Challenge


Caitlin Ahrens

Cam Mckenna

Carol Brown

Cathryn Mann
This is great Jess! I’m sure Tim and your Dad would be as excited as I am to see your first ever hairstyle change (apart from the brief year 9 side fringe) at the hands of a Spanish hairdresser! And of course for a great cause.

Very worthy cause, well done Jess 🥰

Cris Moroney


Geri Viergever
Proud of you Jess x

Gimhani Leone
I’m so sorry that you’ve experience the loss of two family members. I love what you’re doing and wanted to support it x

Hannah Fassioms

Hibbert Family
Go Jess. Love the hibberts

Jacqui Giuliano

Jess Hartfield

Julie Seymour

Karina Dalton
Shave it all off…!!! ✂️ ✂️ But seriously, looking forward to it! Well done Jess!

Kelsey Williams
Great work Jess!!!

Malachy Brennan
Fuck cancer

Margaret N

Natalie Fisher


Nicholas Viergever
Very proud of you for taking this step to raise awareness and support for those affected by blood cancer! Far too many are familiar with the heartbreak of a blood cancer diagnosis (we are a little too familiar), but your bravery will make that treatment process a lot easier for those unfortunate enough to be experiencing it. Naturally, as your brother, I will be required to laugh if the Spanish barber ruins you hair.

Rach Mckenna

Rod Connell
Good on you again Jess, looking forward to seeing the final result / cut😘

Sarah And Lior Kaufman
Proud of you Jess (ps consider shaving your whole head)

Sivan Feldman

Sonia Rowley
What a champion you are. Always thinking of others. I’ll give double if Sarah commits too!

Stacy M

