How the money raised will make a difference?
Help Challenge Deliver More Smiles!
Challenge is a unique organisation that has a very personal connection to children and families living with cancer. The wellbeing of the entire family is Challenge’s fundamental concern. Through their programs and services, they aim to make life easier as children deal with a life-threatening illness.
Challenge provides an extensive range of non-medical support services including playgroup, music and art therapy, massage therapy and practical information. In the community, Challenge offers camps, tickets to sporting matches and concerts, holiday accommodation, parent retreats, home help, financial support and educational scholarship opportunities. In hospital, Challenge has a daily interface on the ward which involves providing equipment, activities and support.
Please donate to help me reach my target.
My Updates

Today is Chop The Mop!!!
Sunday 2nd Feb Whoo Hooooooo! Cracking day to Chop The Mop.. Ripper! See you in Rye 😁☀️🤩 ShareThank you to my Sponsors


Shaun Rampal

Garry Robinson

Deidre Lang

Al Mason
Great cause! Cant wait!

You’re amazing. Excited to see the results. Andy & Heather

Annette And Scott
Great cause 💙

Bec Buckley

Brendan Richardson
Great effort Mel. You’re going to make someone very happy. Well done.

Damian Duke

Debb And Glenn Rosebud Bridgestone

Devlin Family
Mel, What a generous and selfless thing to do. Challenge is a very worthy charity that makes the world of difference to kids with cancer, and their families. You legend!

Elaine Dalziel
Well done Mel! Love what you did xxxx

Em And Ash
We love you Mel 🤍

Faye Pitman
Well done Mel.

Looking forward to seeing the chop tomorrow

Jack Henderson
Love your work mate, doing it for a great cause.

Jade Lee

Jen & Stu
What a wonderful thing to do to make a huge difference to someone else, good on you beautiful lady. Love Jen & Stu xx

Jess Meehan
Awesome work Mole!

Congrats Homey - great cause and the new “do” is brilliant 😁🥰

Joshua Rhodes

Great work Mel

Loretta Chance
All good!

What a wonderful act of kindness Mel. I’m so proud of you for supporting Challenge ❤️

Martin And Meg
Great cause Mel

Melinda Magee

Michelle Devereux
Well done Mel on embarking on this project. So proud of you xxxx

Natalie Burgess
Great work, Mel!

Old Man
Keep smiling

Peter Chance

Richard Koo
Good stuff auntie mel.

Ron Trainer
Well done

Rosebud Social Club
GO MEL!!!! can't wait to see the new look! great job!

Scott B
Nice work!

Steve Wood
Sorry that I am away Mel. Love this though

Sue Fairley

All that beautiful red hair! Good on you!

The Mcspadden Family
Well done Mel

Trish O
Great cause Mel. Well done!

Wendy & Katie Hollow
Great cause

Xcite Drone Photography
Wow. This is an amazing undertaking Mel well done. I hope to get there but if not just know that I think you are amazing. Well done. Hux.