Thank You Jason!

By Melanie Crouch

A different kind of thank you gift:

Another great season for Our Lady’s U17 Green under Jason’s guidance. The girls all stepped up to a new level this season and it was great to watch. Let’s show our thanks to super-coach Jason while also supporting families living with cancer. 

Thanks Team!

Go Our Lady’s!

How the money raised will make a difference?

Challenge is a unique organisation that has a very personal connection to children and families living with cancer. The wellbeing of the entire family is Challenge’s fundamental concern. Through their programs and services, they aim to make life easier as children deal with a life-threatening illness.

Challenge provides an extensive range of non-medical support services including playgroup, music and art therapy, massage therapy and practical information. In the community, Challenge offers camps, tickets to sporting matches and concerts, holiday accommodation, parent retreats, home help, financial support and educational scholarship opportunities. In hospital, Challenge has a daily interface on the ward which involves providing equipment, activities and support.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Thanks for organising, Mel xo


Daniel Walker



Thanks for everything Jason!



Thanks for all your encouragement Jason!


Natalie Lister

Thanks for all your support and hard work Jase.