How will the money raised make a difference?
This September, I will be commencing my Walk for Challenge – a 900km walk over 14 days, which will see me start my journey at the Challenge Family Centre in West Melbourne and finish in Sydney.
You might be wondering why I would embark on such an arduous trek, and the answer is simple: to make a difference to the families who have a child undergoing treatment for Cancer. This is something I simply can't imagine ever having to do. As the father of twin 15 year old girls, the thought of watching my girls go through treatment for cancer is something I just can't fathom. So my heart goes out to those families that are living this journey. Hopefully my walk will raise vital funds and awareness for these families through Challenge- a not for profit organisation that step in to address the social, emotional, and practical needs of families living with cancer and do so in a way that meets the needs of each member of the family – patient, sibling, and parents.
Having lost both my parents to cancer just three months apart, my parents were able to live a a wonderful life, regrettably many children in the Challenge program do not get the same opportunity, cruelled by Cancer early in their lives. By supporting Challenge, I am helping them to provide the support families need to remain united, engaged, and distracted from the trying moments of a cancer journey. Whether it is a smiling face in the hospital or a weekend away as a family, Challenge is there.
It has been a pleasure to be involved with such a fantastic organisation, and I am excited to work with them on this new fundraising collaboration. I am grateful to David Rogers and his team as they support me in my ambitious walking pursuits, which will undoubtedly be a challenge to both the body and mind.
Please join me in supporting Challenge and donate to a worthwhile cause – particularly in September, which is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
My Updates

Thanks active feet
Thursday 18th Aug

Big Day
Monday 25th Jul A big day today, training at Star Fitness with my trainer Christian, a 27km walk, great view of the city from Brighton Beach before the rain hit! Capped off with some reformer pilates at Rise Health.
Tune Up Day
Friday 22nd Jul Thanks again to the great crew at Rise Health for again tending to my aches and pains. Lachie is a fantastic physiotherapist who has turned my glutes into super glutes and Grace has introduced me to Pilates to help with some body stability and strength exercises. She’s a gun exercise physiologist! Thanks again for your sponsorship! Share

Rise Health Group
Tuesday 12th Jul Thanks to the team at Rise Health Group who are keeping my body in great shape for my walk to Sydney. Rise health Group came on board as my physiotherapy supplier with the addition of an exercise physiologist to ensure my exercises suit my needs. ShareThank you to my Sponsors


Bulka Mark
Have a nice stroll.

Annette Hargreaves

Cash Tins

Mandy Cookson
Legend. Good luck Mono. Very inspirational. Xx

Naomi Dyson

Christian Lee
Go Andrew!!!!!!! Great cause mate, all the best for the walk to Sydney.

Andriana Chronopoulos

Mandy Cookson
What a freakin star. Almost there Mono. 💕


Anita Moorhouse
So proud of you Mono xx

Grant Reid
Well done Andrew

Ross Martin

Amazing work, well done!

Adrianne Sarkozy
Go Andy x

Aj White

Alexander Mcphee

Alisa Meadow
Andrew you are AMAZING and a true inspiration to all. I am a friend of Mel and Dave’s and gorgeous Alexis. I have had a huge cancer battle, Alexis knows my story. Keep up the incredible job you are doing. You are changing the world. Alisa Meadow 💙💚

Alla Selisher
Well done, Andrew

Andrew & Justine Mcdonald
Well done Andrew, Fantastic effort.

Andrew Clark

Andrew Csabi
Well Done Andrew !! Awesome !! Andrew Csabi

Andrew Martin

Andrew Mattingley

Andy Swaver And Family
Andrew, Congratulations on your achievement, my friend, here's our donation for such a great cause. Andrew, Shino & Parousia

Anika O'connell
Good luck and thank you for representing a very worthy cause.

Anna Kortekaas
Amazing and inspirational Andrew. Great job!

Anne Fotheringham
You are quite a LEGEND. Well done Andrew

What an inspirational effort! Hope it all goes to plan Mono. See you on the other side to hear all the trial and tribulations of the walk!

Baddock Family
Amazing job Andrew!! You’ve got this.. 💪🏼 Can’t wait to hear all about it when you’re back.

Ben Schulz
Keep up the great work Mono. You are a true inspiration.

Beverley Cook
Good luck with the walk!

Blaise And Kate Vinot

I'm lacing up brother. Love it

Brenda Alexander
All the best!

Bronwen Fraser
Bloody amazing! Hope the weather plays nice. Lots of love!

Bronwyn Bowden
Good Luck!!

Campbell Martin
Good luck next month.

Campbell Martin
Great work to help other people!!

Captivate Dental
The Captivate Dental team wish you all the very best for this epic journey

Wonderful 💗

Carole Putna
Wonderful , good luck with your goal

Catherine & Malcolm
Walk strong Mono - looking forward to your stories of the journey north.

Charlotte Jaffrezo
Gook luck Andrew 💪🏼 We are so impress of you, You can do it !!!! Suzy and Philippe ❤️

Charlotte Jaffrezo
Good luck godfather !!! I’m very proud of you, much love ❤️

Chengliang Zheng


Claire M
Go mono !!!!!! Proud of you :)

Classroom Cuisine
Watching you undertake and seeing your unwavering commitment to this challenge for Challenge has been awe inspiring. Congrats - a MASSIVE achievement!

Col Welch
Inspirational, enjoy the challenge

Courts , Xav , Anouk & Remy
So proud of you Mono ! Courts, Xav , Anouk and Remy xoxox

Craig Ginnivan
Well done Champ, and good luck

Dan, Joel, Alex And Eddie
Good Luck Andrew!!! Keep walking for an amazing cause 🚶♀️

Darren Powell
Mono, we go back a long way mate and have been through many greats times together and unfortunately some bad times. You are an inspiration to many and your generosity to Challenge is second to none. I wish you well as you embark on an amazing journey. All the best Daz & Sue

David & Deirdre Snooks
Wishing you all the best for the walk Mono - you have been amazing & so committed in your training. We will be following right behind you (metaphorically speaking🤪) willing you on. A great cause & a fantastic effort. D & D

David & Jennie Donaldson
A great effort for a good cause

David Crossley
Awesome work Andrew!

David Jones
Congratulations again on behalf of David Jones for your incredible achievement, and thank you for inspiring our team! Scott Fyfe + the team

David Verlander
It’s an amazing achievement. Wishing Andrew all the best.

David Young
Good luck to you, Mono. You’re doing a wonderful thing and we’re proud and in awe of your superpowers.

Dawn Clark
go for it

Deidre Winters

Denise Barr
Andrew you’re an amazing Challenge supporter. Best wishes for the walk.

Denise Francis
Such a worthy cause, well done. Hopefully you'll smash it....

Di Allan
Very brave challenge. Good luck!

Dianne Jackson
Go Mono - You can do it sore feet and all.

Distefano Family
Outstanding effort for a great cause.

Donna Fry
What a fabulous effort! Good luck 👍🏻

Dromana Early Learning Centre
Go Mono, A great cause to support. Michael A

Ellen Seymour
Absolutely legendary!

Emma And Doug
Go Mono! We’re proud of you for doing this! What an awesome challenge 💪💪💪 love Emma and Doug xxx

Erik & Joanne Meijer
Best wishes to achieving your goal Mono. We know you will arrive with a big smile matching your big heart.

The Proclaimers


Figure Sense
Good luck Andrew!

Gavin And Karen Baumanis
Wow- what an awesome undertaking!

Geoff Eldridge

Ger Sharkey
I hope you get your target Andrew. You deserve it. Blessings in abundances Gerxx

Giulia Downes
This is incredible. Good luck to you :)


Graeme Ainslie
I know you won’t need it but good luck

Graham Family
You're an absolute legend Mono! Congratulations on setting a goal & sticking with it, blisters & all. 💛 The Grahams

Grant And Britt Weinstein.
Best of luck Andrew

Greg Lowe

Fantastic effort Andrew!

Hazelwood & Hill
Well done Andrew, congratulations on a great effort

Heather & Chris
Watching your progress. Impressed and thankful it’s you and not us ;). Best wishes for comfortable feet!

Helen Celan
Hi Andrew, I stopped my car yesterday in Picton NSW to ask you how I can help donate. I saw you walking along the road. Thank you for the kindness you are showing others. Keep making this world a better place.

Helen Lovett

Holly Mayer
Congratulations Andrew, it’s an amazing thing you are doing x

Ian Story
Great work Mono. Best wishes go hard stay well.

Ian &jan Woods
Best of luck Mono - an admirable challenge!

Ian Brewer

Love you Dad 💗 I’ll be cheering for you all the way xx

Ingrid V

Irena Celan
May God bless you 🙏🏼

James Everett

James Zhao
Thank you for your walk.

Jann Wilson
Good luck Mono!

Jay & Kristy
Super proud of you mate… Now it’s My turn to organise a golf buggy drive by👊

Thank you for doing this noble cause and supporting those kids and parents in such as an overwhelming circumstances.

Jenni Tran
All the best Andrew ❤️

Almost there!

Jenny Dowsett
Very proud of you cous xx

Jenny Sorensen
Brilliant effort Andrew for such a worthwhile cause!!

Jo, John, Rusty & The Girls
Great effort Andrew! Keep it going! We are cheering you on every day 🦮🐾🏃

Amazing job Andrew - wish you the best for the second half of the walk! Jocelyn x

Jodie & Davo
Keep on trucking Mono. Great cause and great effort

Jody Newman
Amazing Andrew! Fantastic effort!

John Matheson
You’re a great man Mono !

John Sharkey
An extraordinary bloke doing something extraordinary!! ….a mate and a good man too!

John Wemyss
Great initiative Mono. cheers

Jonathan Ross
Go Mono, best wishes and hats off to you on a mammoth effort. I'll be watching your progress keenly! JR

Josh White

Joshua Butler
Great stuff man!! Your doing a great thing 💪💪

Joshua Butler
Right behind you man! It’s a great thing your doing!!

Joshua Butler
Right behind ya all the way! It’s an incredible thing you are doing!

Joshua Butler
Not long to go! Go well brother 💪💪💪

Joshua Butler
Glad the donation line is still open! Congratulations again on your achievement, all credit to your hard work mate.

Joshua Butler
Go well bro!! Wishing you all the best with each step mate.

Joshua Butler
Right behind you brother with every step you take! Your inspiring!

Joshua Butler
Keep up all your awesome work man! All worth it 🤙

Judy Sultana

Julie Fontana

Kailey Brown
Good luck Andrew! Love your work

Karyl And Norm Kaye
Good luck Mono. We are impressed that you will be burning 5000 Cal per day.

Karyl And Norm Kaye
Congratulaions on completing the walk. Now you need to recover for the sailing season.

Kate & Neale Muller
Great cause. Good luck.

Kate Vance
Thank you 🙏🏻

Kay Rimbaldo
Wonderful what you are doing

Kaz, Roni & India
Andrew you are an amazing person! Good luck


Kerry Anne Dunn
Great work cuz xx

Kerryn Deayton
Amazing Andrew! Superstar for Challenge.

Kilgour Family
Amazing effort. Well done from the other Aurelia and Imogen.

Kirsty Brealey
Amazing Effort! Well done!

Kylie Reid
Hey Couz so proud of you! well done and what amazing work you have done its been amazing to share the journey with you and I love you heaps xxx Kyls

Laeta Crawford
Good luck mate - what an incredible fundraising goal and cause. x

Leanne Brady
You’re the best!! What an amazing effort! Well done Mono 💪

Linda & Phil
A huge challenge for a great cause, Best Wishes Mono.

Linda Lewin
Good Luck! Amazing effort!

Linda Stocks
Good luck Andrew. We’ll be cheering you on.

Lisa Foran
Inspiring stuff Andrew!

Lisa Gray
Good on you Mono, living your best life supporting others so they can live theirs. Brilliant work!

Lisa Lennon
Good luck. Amazing effort. Mum would have been super impressed.


Lorraine Hill
Best of luck, a great cause

Louise & Garry Hosie
Inspirational Andrew, a wonderful cause.

Lynette Curtis
Your effort is extraordinary Andrew. Thank you for everything you do for the Challenge families.

Maidie Hurlston
Amazing effort, hope it’s going well :)

Mark Lawrence
More power to your elbow.

Marklew Housing
Good luck and what a wonderful cause.

Martin Edwards
You are a superstar! When the tough times come deep into your challenge draw strength from what an amazing thing it is you’re doing 💪

Martyn & Susanne Sly
What a great cause. We might not be walking with you, but we're with you in spirit. Good luck with the challenge Andrew.

Mcorist Family
All the best legend, what a terrific effort for the greatest cause 🙏🏼⚓️

Mel Ross
You’re a superstar Andrew Martin.

Melanie Moore
We admire your efforts and have enjoyed see your updates, you are an inspiration. Stay strong and keep smiling.

Melissa Endall
Thank you for going that extra mile to support kids with cancer. I’m sure you will face many challenges on your walk but I have no doubt you’ll keep pushing through and make it to the finish with a smile on your dial. Very proud of you.

Melissa Ladbrook
Fantastic effort.

Mem Mackie
Congratulations Mono on an outstanding achievement!

Meredith & Tony
It’s a great thing you’re doing Andrew!

Mohan Gunatilake

Murray And Kirsten Mcneill
Thanks Mono! 😀

Mustang Sally

Natalie Chapman

Nick Ede
Brilliant effort Mono!

Nicole And Simon
Great work Andrew! You're smashing it. Keep it up! Nic and Simon

Pam Bentley
Thank you Andrew for your amazing support for Challenge. So dear to our heart ❤️ Xx

Pat Pedicini
I am inspired

Paul Marnow
Enjoy the scenery Great job Tessy dad netball

Paul & Christine Marr
You’ve got this

Paul Martin

Paul Ridgway
Good on you Andrew - best wishes for the walk.

Pauline Cleaver
Fantastic!! Wishing you all the best, Pauline and Greg

Good Luck Andrew an amazing challenge and fir a great cause!!!

Peter Chipperfield
Great job Mono! Are you walking back too? If so I’d allow a few extra days!

Peter Roberts

Rick Potter
Go Mono. Gutsy effort by a real credit to the human race. You are the real deal and I wish you well.

Rogers Tony
Well done mate What an effort

Ross Martin
Hey little brother, Very proud of you. Walk safe.

S & T Charlton
What a fantastic effort for a great cause😃

All the best Andrew…,

Sarah Barry Newton

Sarah Clifton-brown
Awesome effort 👏

Scott, Karin & Owen Thompson
Good work Mono. An incredibly tough challenge for a great cause. Kudos!


Shane Cross
Good luck Andrew on your journey for a very worthy cause!

Sharon Burke
Goodluck Andrew - watch the blisters !

Simon And Claire
An inspirational walk for a great cause.


Simon Hughes
Well done mate!

Very inspiring Andrew! An amazing challenge for a great cause.

Stacey K
Good Luck Andrew!

Star Fitness 24/7

Steak A Lot Pty Ltd
Good Luck Andrew!

What an amazing effort. Congratulations.

Steve & Ceri Jostlear
Good luck Andrew, happy walking!!

Stikkelbroeck Family
Good luck from the STL community. Worthy cause.

Stuart Scott
Fantastic effort Something to be very proud of and look back and say I did this plus raise awareness and funds

All the best Mono...truly inspirational !

I don't know you Andrew but I'm impressed already!

Susan Curtis
May the road rise up to meet you And the wind be always at your back.

Suzy & Paul Pask
Awesome effort Andrew!

Tait Family
Well done Andrew, incredible effort for such a great cause! Hugh hopes that the top of your feet is still ok for those hiking straps waiting for you in December.;)

Tanina - Elite Day Tours
An amazing and challenging thing to do, good luck!

Woo hoo. So exciting. High Five

Team Fyfe
Andrew - we are so incredibly impressed with what you have undertaken and so proud of you. Wishing you a smooth road for the next 5 days and think how good that beer with taste in Sydney - Keep going...! x


Terry Matthew - Star Fitness Member
What an incredible effort.

The Berchy Family
Amazing, great cause Our thoughts will be with you Stay safe

The Cheezos
Somehow break a leg seems like the wrong sentiment in this case! We will be cheering you on from the comfort of our couch. Best of luck!

The Davisons
A huge effort for a great cause! We hope the walk goes well.

The Orchard Family
Just a phenomenal effort for an amazing cause. You are the true road warrior and I’ve loved the updates along the way. Well done!

The Ungs
Good luck Andrew, dig deep and smash it. The Ungs

Tom Mccullough
In memory of Roma who loved our great Club, members and family until last year, when cancer finally took her away from us.

Tray Lockyer
All the best to you Andrew! Such an important cause. From the Lockyers

Vanessa & Glenn
Great cause Andrew. Good luck!

Vikki Adamson
What a legend you are! An incredible challenge for such a worthy cause. One step at a time. Lots of love from Team A in sunny Scotland xx

William Inglis & Son Ltd
We have walked many k's together already, what is a few more? Hopefully this helps. Go Andrew.

William Manning

Yvonne Dyason
Safe travels!

Good on you Andrew.
Can’t thank you enough. Please know you made a huge difference in people’s lives.