Help Challenge Deliver More Smiles!
In September 2002, my husband Danny and I heard the shattering news that our beloved Daniel, only six years old, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The words that a parent should never hear.
A brave fight began, filled with love and humour as this was Daniel's way, with Challenge supporting us along the way.
Challenge, a non-profit for children and their families living with cancer, supported us every step as we grappled with the impact of a cancer diagnosis. Life had changed immediately, and it took a toll on every family member. Whether it was home help, a friendly face in the hospital to hold our hand, a parent retreat or a camp for kids, Challenge was always there.
Despite chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplants and many other treatments, Daniel passed away in 2006. Since then, I have volunteered with Challenge to honour our beautiful boy.
Along the journey, in good times and bad, my best friend - Josie - has always been by my side. Josie and I are both mothers and cancer survivors. I beat cancer 12 years ago, and Josie will soon celebrate 25 years since her diagnosis. Josie is also a proud Challenge volunteer.
To commemorate Josie's anniversary and honour Daniel, we want to raise $50,000 for Challenge! They understood our needs, providing services and programs that went above and beyond anything you could imagine.
Please support Josie and me - Besties Go Bald - as we shave our heads to raise much-needed funds for Challenge - a fantastic charity that we hold close to our hearts.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Bridget Armstrong

Kimberly Vizovitis
Amazing girls!!!!


Carol Raffle Tickets .

Barr Gold Day Donation .

Sabrina Sedano

Afternoon Tea Ticket Sales

Silent Auction Headshave

Shop & Raffle

Live Auction Headshave

Were St Trading Donation

Cash Raffle & Donation Headshave

Eftpos Raffle & Donation Headshave

A privelage to be part of this effort.


Stuart Buckingham



Valerie Karantzoulis

Lisa Ford

Werribee Mazda Donation

Shop Eftpos Balance .


Track 7 Eftpos Fundraising

Head Shave Ticket Sales Trybooking

Track 7 Trybooking Sales


360 Install

Adrian & Sonia
Great Cause well done

Alessandra Limongelli

Alida Finta

Ally Waldron
Amazing work Josie !!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Amanda Smith
What courageous women you both are. Congratulations on raising an extraordinary amount of funds for an important cause. An amazing effort! Amanda & Inés

Andrea S
You gals rock xx

Andrea Zanella

Andrea Zanella

Andrew And Daniella
We’re so proud of you, congratulations for hitting your goal and hope for more to come xx

Andrew Smythe
2 great ladies

Angela Scaffidi

Angela Ciliberto
Good luck with the fundraising.

Anne Dimattina
You guys are amazing.

Annette & Holli
Fantastic work ladies! xx

Annie Facchinetti

You are both such inspirational women!!

Go Josie!!!! 🫵👏🏽


Arch Blackline Australasia


Ashleigh Rogers
Gazza sent us the link. Amazing cause, I wish you guys all the best.

Australian Protection Personnel Ptyltd

Avalee Weir
So courageous! And such determination for this cause. Kudos! All the very best, Avalee

B1 & B2

Bec Bolden
Just amazing ladies!!!!!! Very special people x

Bernie Donnellon
Awesome girls - can’t wait to see the beautiful bald heads!! Andrea you amaze me xx Josie - hope to see you again one day soon xx


Besties Go Bald


Besties Go Bald

Besties Go Bald Zanella

Betty Logan
Congratulations Andrea & Josie, what an amazing effort🙏👏👏👏

Absolute Queens 👑 amazing.

Brighid Donovan

Capital Discount Tyres

Capricorn Travel Ivanhoe
You go girls

Carmelo D’angelo
What a great thing to do well done ladies

Carol Arklay
Go girls

Carolina Merlo
👏👏 You're amazing Josie 😘 ❤ Carolina, Bruno & Fam.

Catherine Farchione
Wishing you both all the best for this amazing event, well done 👏

Cheryl Newson

Chloe Tripp

Chris Mctaggart
Love your work ladies, well done!

Christine And Brian Anderson
So proud of all that you have achieved for such a great cause. I am sure Daniel is shining on you. Congratulations to you both You will have to have some nice beanies for winter.

Christine Naismith
Well done ladies xx

Comfort Sleep Bedding
Great work Andrea and Josie

Cristina Grande
You girls rock. Good luck and all the best😘

Cycle House House
Hope it helps

Dale Roeszler

Dane Grenfell
Fantastic work!!!!

Daniel Mclean

Danijela Pekic Konjicija
You go girls. Girl power 💪 So brave, inspiring & heartwarming 💗 Hope you reach your goal ladies 😘

Danni & Sam Gioffre
You go girls! Great cause 💙💙

Fantastic effort, love your energy!

Dave Burns

David Obrien
Go girls!

David, Stephanie, Bianca & Luca
Great work Andrea and Josie

De Vincenti Family
Congratulations You Guys have succeeded in reaching your goal. All our Love De Vincenti Family.

Debbie Tully
Good luck. You are amazing!!!

Donna Tieman
Go girls ❤️

Elena Shami
Angels do exist,but they live on earth. So proud for my friend Josie.

Emily Humphrey

Emma Cunningham
Sorry I couldn’t be there on your fundraising night , great job ladies. What an awesome effort . You are both obviously very special people ❤️

Essense Homes

Fiona Fahey
You are amazing Andrea. Best of luck to you and Josie as you continue to fundraise.

Frank Bruni

Funfields Themepark
Continue to shine bright ladies.

Gabrielle Knight
Fantastic effort

Gabrielle Knight
Besties go Bald Ticket


Go girls. You're both amazing.

Hanson Construction Materials
Josie and Andrea, great work, an honour to support.

Helen Franzi
Thank you for supporting Challenge after all you have been through.

Henry Wong

Beautiful, selfless women. <3

Hus Enver
Heard your story through Gary. So proud of you guys.

Jaimi Harrison
Incredible cause 💕

Jane O’connell
Amazing commitment Andrea. Best wishes xx

Jerry Papaluca
I absolutely love what you do Andrea. What this organization provided for Daniel and others of course is inspiring. Keep up the good work.

Rockstar xx

Jo Olive

John Guerrieri
Great course well done girls hope you raise plenty of coin 💜😊

Jowa Saunders

Judi Ostojic

We’ll done girls this will be a challenge for you guys also - looking forward to the new do’s ❤️❤️❤️

Julie And Trev
Great effort, love your passion for the cause

K & M Eaton
Amazing work ladies. Such an important cause ❤️

K. Webb
Well done girls. So proud of you both 💪

Karen Powell
Glad to help to get you to your goal:)

Karolina Hews
Ran in to you in a shop in Noosa, you’re doing an amazing thing! Thank you!

Kate Tupper
Just amazing what your guys have achieved

Kate Williams
I will knit you hair!

Kellie Porter
Josie you are so awesome. You’re an inspiration and I’m lucky to know you ❤️

Kerryn Falcke
Champions... 👯♀️💪💗

Leeda Projects

Lifestyle Loans

Lily Pavlovic
You beautiful ladies are amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️

Linda Milani
You’re both amazing people and this is such a worthy cause. Sending my love and best wishes for reaching the target!

Linda Rogers
Andrea you are amazing ….. Andrea and Josie, you two are QUADRUPLE amazing 💕

Lisa Ford
Well done and congratulations on all your fundraising efforts

Lorelle Pleysier
Well done ladies ❤️

Loretta Wait
Well done almost there ! Daniel would be super proud of you both xx

Lucky & Liana Sgro
You’re a superstar Josie!

Lynette Mcfarlane
Go Josie & Andrea, beautiful girls for a beautiful cause

Marco Del Romano

Marco Del Romano

Margaret O'donnell

Maria & Lori Lorandi
Great work girls🤩❤️

Marilyn Saunders
Great job girls

Mark Budge
Wonderful effort and cause 👏👏👏❤️

Hi girls amazing effort well done

Mas Allstruct Pty Ltd
Your stories are so touching and its a huge credit to the work that you are doing! We are sorry you have been through so much, The strength of you Besties, is nothing short of admirable. We wish you best of luck on your fundraiser.

Matt Shinkfield

Go girls

Mercav Constructions
Besties Go Bald are bloody awesome 👏

Mia And Charlie
Donating to two very inspirational women.

Michael De Filippo

Michael Van Dort
amazing effort to all well done

Michele Barry
Lots of love to you all. Michele

Michelle & Danny
So proud of you Josie. You are both total legends and wish you all the best for the remaining challenge ❤️❤️❤️

Micka Smith

Miles Real Estate

Mirella Franceschini
Congratulations Andrea and Josie. You have accomplished something amazing through your constant hard work and commitment. You go girls xx

Mon, Mark And Jack Healey
Andrea, you are an inspiration to us all. What an amazing cause. We are thrilled to donate. Mark, Mon & Jack

Monica Lovett

Monique Loschiavo
To an inspirational duo Keep doing what you are doing . You are both amazing. ❤️❤️

Muriel Webb
Thank you both for caring and doing this for the kids. Love your work

Nadine, Rob, Holls & Adam
With you girls all the way!

National Tiles

Nick Radatti

Nillumbik Cellars
Well done ladies, great cause!

Nonna & Nonno Zanella

Nonna G De Maria
Ai lovi yu. dissa fo yu Daniel ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Translation— I love you This is for you Daniel.

Olivia Gheller

Olivia Magree

Omar Jammal

Patricia Merlo
You ladies are legends xoxo

Patrick Shanahan
Love!! Ftt try on a random guy at Sunshine Coast airport

Peter Bertram
All the best ladies to reach your goal..... and more !

Peter Joan And Mark Riely
Don’t Fuck with the ball dies.

Peter Nicholls

Pina Lunardi
Good work

Proud Mumma Cafe Ivanhoe

Proud Mumma Cafe Ivanhoe

Rachael & Tom
What an incredible effort for a fantastic cause!


Rapid Displays And Cabinets
track 7 charity night.

Ray White Epping


Renner Family
You're both an absolute inspiration xo

Ricardo Ferro Ivanhoe

Rina Beagley
You girls are so courageous and the work you both do amaze me. Well done ❤️❤️❤️

Rina Rentoulis

Rob Mosca
Luca just said his first words, "go team" Rob and Sarah x

Robyn Boulet

Rocco & Carmela Gioffre

Rohan Iyer
Shoutout to you besties ❤🙏🏽

Rosa Masalkovski
Well done on your tireless fundraising efforts, ladies. Josie, you are a beautiful human with or without hair!

Rosa Verdi

Love your work ladies!

Russell Brown

Sally & David Beaini
What a couple of dedicated people! Love your work!

Sandra Bortoli

Second Home
Beautiful girls with the most generous hearts. We love you Josie Caverzan and your incredible family for everything you stand for and all that you do for your community. SO PROUD of you and we will be cheering for you all the way!

Sever Family
Great cause ladies

Shannon White

Sharon And Adrian Dodoro

Shirl Evans
You two truly are amazing!

Stephanie Marasco & Donny Smarrelli

Steven Meikel
Doing an amazing job girls

Stewart Teese
Great Cause Girls

Symington Crew
You’re amazing Josie, you will make a difference.

Symon Khoury
Love your work x

T K Installation Services

Talia Berry
Amazing ladies!! ❤️🌹

Tania Kuehn
I’m so proud to donate $100 for such an amazing cause 💕💕

Tarun Chowdhary
Best of luck Taru.


Team At Diadem
Great work girls

Teresa Michelangeli
You go girls ! What a fantastic idea to raise money for a wonderful organisation.

The Paola Family
Go sis!

The Sinclair’s
You never cease to amaze us.

Tiago And Jade
Thanks for your work on this cause! From the crew at Mister Bianco.

Timothy Spillane
For Gabe.

Tom And Nina
Amazing effort Andrea and Josie! Tom and Nina xx

Tom Naughtin

Track 7 Charity Event

Track 7 Charity Event

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track 7 Charity Night

Track7 Charity Night
Track7 Charity night

Trevor O’meara
Hi Josie, sorry for the delay Regards Trevor

Trident Commercial Finance

Trish Griechen
Well done to you girls and to Gazzy. Such a fabulous cause❤️

Vickie Stutchbury
Great cause ladies xo

Thank you for doing what you do

Vivad (aust) Pty Ltd

Waldron Family
Awesome Work! xx

You girls are super amazing! I hope you reach your fundraising goal 💕💕

Were St Trading
2 of the strongest women we know. Well done. The team at were st trading are so very proud of you both. 😘

Were St Trading
You girls rock

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Were St Trading
With you every step of the way

Were St Trading
Another small addition

Were St Trading
Keep going !!!! Always on your side.

Were St Trading
Keep it going GIrls!!🥴

Were St Trading
A little bit more 🥰

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Were St Trading

Weston Family
You ROCK girls 💕

Whitney Young

William & Trish Davis
Well done ladies to help out our little folk. From Trish and Bill Davis
